As an alternative to presenting at the Virtual International Day of the Midwife conference we received a number of posters. These 20 posters are available online during the conference and throughout the month of May.  Later check the Conference Archives to review these for the foreseeable future. Many of the poster presenters opted to be interviewed about their posters. Podcast recordings will be added under their names as completed.  Click on a poster image for a larger view.

VIDM 2022 Poster Presentations

Presenter informationAbstractPoster / Title
Helen Elliott-Mainwairing
There are considerable tensions for healthcare staff between their employee allegiance and contracts, patient safety, and their responsibilities to codes of conduct within professional registration, and the NHS Constitution. The research aim was to identify how power and hierarchy influence staff safety in maternity services and this was achieved by reviewing research papers concerned with personal narratives of staff experiences and perspectives of employment in their profession. This systematic narrative review was based on the approach of a narrative synthesis. Power and hierarchy influence staff safety in maternity services by creating challenges to staff safety, which appear to essentially derive from poor communication. The negative influences of the cultural concepts of power and hierarchy on staff safety are significant within maternity services. Disconfirmation findings, those which stood out as different from the rest, evidenced the possibilities that healthy, psychologically safe working conditions could offer for healthcare staff in improving culture.
Mainwaring - close up of diagram
How do power & hierarchy influence staff safety in maternity services? A narrative synthesis
Poster: Helen Elliott Mainwairing
Maravillas del Carmen Fernández Pedrosa; Marina del Carmen Fernández Redondo; Cristina Patrón Ares. Residentes de Matronas.Separacion de membranas, siendo esta el despegamiento de las membranas como método para inducir el parto, en la que se introduce uno o dos dedos en el cuello del útero, separando el polo inferior de las membranas del segmento inferior del útero, provocando una liberación de prostaglandinas. El número de inducciones ha aumentado un 60% en la última década, evitando llegar a una inducción con métodos más complejos. Los objetivos que me he marcado son: -Conocer la efectividad, seguridad e indicaciones de la realización de la separacion de membranas. -Saber identificar aquellas mujeres a las cuales estaría contraindicado dicha maniobra. -Señalar los efectos secundarios de la técnica, tanto en el feto como en la gestante. Llegando a la conclusión Actualmente se considera una técnica controvertida por la escasez de estudios.Separacion de membranas. Cómo, cuándo y porqué - Membrane separation. How, when and why

Poster: Separacion de Membranas. Cómo, cuándo y porqué.
Katie Moriarty, Frontier Nursing UniversityHuman animal interaction (HAI) refers to a reciprocal interaction. The pandemic made it clear that the welfare and health of people, other living things, and our environment are interdependent. Research in human animal research has explored this interaction and its impact on health. Research on perinatal benefits such as social support, companionship and stress buffering along with the potential unique perinatal stressors should be pursued, examined and shared.
This poster shares evidence on companion animals emphasizing potential impact on perinatal mental health. Evidence regarding the role of stress, social relationships, and stress reduction in perinatal mental health and impact of companion animals in the perceptions of social support, stressors, and stress reduction will be explored. The role of midwives in supporting clients with their mental health concerns along with gaps and recommendations for future research will be reviewed.
Companion animals: Implications of human animal interaction and perinatal mental health - The benefits, challenges, and gaps in research

Poster:: Companion animals: Implications of human animal interaction and perinatal mental health - The benefits, challenges, and gaps in research
Birhan Tsegaw Taye, Debre Berhan University
Background: In low and middle-income countries, many childbirths still occur at home unskilled attendants. This study assessed reasons for traditional birth attendants’ preference, utilization, and associated factors.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was employed among 416 women. Study participants were recruited by a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected using a pretested and interviewer-administered questionnaire. A multivariable logistic regression model was fitted and the level of significance was determined at a p-value of < 0.05.
Result: About 31.5% of the participants were used traditional birth attendants(TBAs) in their recent birth. Marital status, age marriage, time to reach a health facility, know danger signs, attitude towards TBAs, antenatal care follow-up, and listening radio were predictors of TBA utilization at birth.
Conclusion: Still TBAs are women’s first choice of birth attendants. Antenatal care and health education programs might enhance skilled delivery utilization and strategies targeted on reasons for TBAs preference over SBAs.
Women’s traditional birth attendant utilization at birth and associated factors in Angolella, Ethiopia
Poster: Birhan Tsegaw Taye
Margarita Eli Oscategui PenaEn la Carta al Editor presentada a la Revista Peruana de Investigación Materno Perinatal (Rev Perú Investig Matern Perinat) es el organismo oficial de divulgación científica del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal (INMP). La RM N° 353-2016/MINSA en el paso 3 establece que si el establecimiento de salud cuenta con al menos un servicio de atención prenatal, debe ofrecer consejería en lactancia materna a las gestantes y sus familias sobre la importancia de amamantar, los riesgos de no amamantar, de brindar sustitutos, biberones, chupetes, complementos alimenticios y materiales para alimentación artificial, la importancia de la lactancia materna durante la primera hora de vida de su recién nacido, del contacto piel con piel, el pinzamiento oportuno del cordón umbilical, el alojamiento conjunto y la lactancia materna en demanda, considere abrir una clínica de asesoramiento sobre lactancia para mujeres embarazadas.Paso 3: Hacer una educación prenatal en lactancia materna - Step 3: Do prenatal education in breastfeeding
Poster: Margarita Eli Oscategui Pena
Niken Bayu Argaheni, Universitas Sebelas Maret
One of the efforts to reduce maternal and infant mortality is through antenatal care (ANC). Standardized antenatal care is expected to be able to monitor the condition of the mother's pregnancy from the beginning of pregnancy to the time of delivery, as well as to detect early risk factors that may occur during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium. So that anticipatory steps can be determined according to the mother's condition. One of the psychological health factors of pregnant women is anxiety. Anxiety often occurs in third trimester pregnant women. Because the third trimester is a waiting period with full vigilance waiting and waiting for the delivery period and can increase anxiety in pregnant women. To improve the health of pregnant women, efforts to overcome anxiety need to be carried out as early as possible. The purpose of this activity is to apply theory and research results on diaphragmatic breathing techniques.Reducing anxiety in pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic: Utilize aromatherapy and diaphragm breathing techniques
Poster: Niken Bayu Argaheni
Selamawit Tesfaye and Astrid Groenbaek, Maternity FoundationMaternity Foundation in collaboration with Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau implemented a one-year safe delivery app integrated mentoring intervention that covered four hospitals and fourteen health centers focused mainly on the leading cause of maternal and new-born mortality such as post-partum hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and birth asphyxia. The post mentoring result showed significant progress in both knowledge and skill. In summary, nearly three quarter (72%) of mentees, scored 70% and above on PPH knowledge and passed whereas, only14% of mentees scored 90% and above on PPH skill and passed the assessment. According to the post-mentoring assessment, 96% of mentees scored 70% and above on HBB knowledge assessment and three quarter (75%) of mentees scored 90% and above on HBB skill assessment. Ninety percent of mentees scored above 70% on knowledge assessment and only 37% scored above 90% on hypertension skill assessment.Strengthening the prevention and management of Covid-19 and provision of quality maternal and child health care in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Poster: Selamawit Tesfaye
Miriam Guana; Bega Romina; Familiari Eleonora; Garbelli Laura; Generali Carlotta; and Romano AnnaThe current demographic evolution requires a reorganization of Health Systems which implies the strengthening of prevention activities and the implementation of local and community services through the activation of integrated organizational models capable of guaranteeing continuity of care.
The Family and Community Midwife project is a health promotion model proposed by the Italian Federation of Midwives' Professional Associations which represents a concrete response to the changed context. This project, which identifies the community midwife as a key figure, aims at promoting the centrality and health of women and families, with the purpose of increasing their empowerment, selfcare, health literacy and well-being as well as the community welfare.
This model, by focusing on women's health, promotes consequently the well being of their partners, their families and, more widely, the community.
L'ostetrica di comunità: Figura chiave per la salute della collettività - The community midwife: Key figure for the health of the community
Poster: Miriam Guana et al
Angela Roman, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Brazil)In this poster we will present some Midwifery education initiatives developed in Brazil by Enlace Project - Strengthening and Valuing Midwives and Midwifery Nurses, an initiative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Brazil) and the Johnson & Johnson Foundation that aims to value and strengthen the practice of Midwives and Obstetric Nurses in Brazil, with an emphasis in the promotion of human rights, women's rights and reproductive health.References: Poster for Angela RomanMidwifery education initiatives to promote rights in Brazil: UNFPA and J&J "Enlace Project"
Poster: Angela Roman
Roisin Lennon; Katie Ennis (Intern Midwife); Sarah Culleton (Student Midwife)
All women attending this service have their BMI calculated at booking. Healthy eating and a recommended weight gain of 15kg to reduce the risk of CS, hypertension and birth weight over 4kg are discussed. In May 2021 43 babies had birth weights over 4kg. This prompted the introduction of routine weighing for all service users and weight gain recommendations based on the Institute of Medicines (IOM) guidelines. A retrospective study of weight gain and outcomes for 53 pre and 46 post routine weighing service users was undertaken in January 2022. There was an overall 2% reduction in CS births, 22% reduction in babies weighing over 4kg. 40% of women gained in excess of recommendations with a 22% CS rate and 22% babies over 4kg. This simple intervention of routine weighing and healthy eating should be used as a long term investment in the health and wellbeing of all service users.To weigh or not to weigh in pregnancy
Poster: Roisin Lennon
Caroline Earley, Maternity Unit Regional Hospital Mullingar
The Irish National Maternity Strategy (2016) endorses woman centred care and recommends women be offered choice of three care pathways based on preference, clinical need, and best evidence. Care is provided by midwives within The Supported Care Pathway, upholding seamless routes of referral and reciprocal transfer as appropriate to assisted and specialised care pathways (DOH, 2016). At the Regional hospital Mullingar the candidate AMP for Supported Care is developing a pathway providing care to pregnant women within specified criteria in the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period encompassing four key service development priorities. These priorities aim to promote woman centred care empowering women to make evidence based decisions relative to their birth choices. The poster reflects the journey and some of the data and outcomes thus far.Development of midwife led Supported Care Pathway, Maternity Unit Regional Hospital Mullingar
Poster:  Caroline Earley
Lavelle KeysThe postnatal period poses substantial health risks for both the mother and newborn infant and there are momentous changes for women, both physically and psychologically which can determine their well-being and potential for a healthy future. In the 21st century, postpartum women are increasingly relying on social media and Health apps as sources of health information and infant care. Social technologies have the potential to support women and their infants in the postnatal period, at a time when women are most vulnerable. The evidence and gap map suggests that more high-quality evidence is required with regards to the use of social technology in the postnatal period for both women and their infants in addition to development of technologies to promote, educate and support women and their babies at a vulnerable time.Innovation in social technology for postnatal care: An evidence and gap map
Lavelle Keys
Miriam Guana, Midwifery school - Universita' Delgi Studi di Brescia, ItalyThe 4 paradigms of midwifery science
The meaning of paradigm is equivalent to a model, example.
Such has been used by Platone (in the meaning of "model") and by Aristotele (in the meaning of "example"). From the Greek we mean definitively term to indicate a model of reference or comparison, what constitutes a general term of reference, which has an exemplary value, of guide.
This poster describes the 4 paradigms of midwifery science related to: the recipients of cure/care, gender and reproductive health, the care provided by the midwife and the environment as a variable that acts on the person.
I quattro paradigmi nella scienze ostetriche - The four paradigms of midwifery science
Bianca Grassi, Independent Midwife; Francesca Semeraro, Midwife - Martina Franca HospitaL, ItalyStillbirth is a taboo subject around the world, almost not considered in research and perhaps even underestimated, despite the nearly 2 million stillborn babies every year. We examined the impact of fetal intrauterine death on the experience of the couple by analyzing any psycho-emotional and social repercussions and the relation with the Covid-19 pandemic. Greater awareness is needed on the subject for women, healthcare workers and those around them, more information and training, both human and theoretical. Post-loss bereavement repercussions do not end at the time of discharge from the hospital. It is essential to live this experience with the partner as injured parties in equal measure and this should always be made possible, even during a pandemic like the one caused by Covid-19. The couple should be psychologically supported throughout the grief process and this type of support should be made available immediately by the hospital.Endo-uterine fetal death and its impact on the lives of the woman and the couple: A phenomenological study
Flavia Pugliese, Independent Midwife; Filomena Stile, Midwife , Obstetric & Gynaecology Unit, Naples 3 south sectionThe psychological aspects of childbirth receive insufficient attention in maternity care planning and clinical practice. In addition to the problems related to the current management of the COVID-19 emergency, it is clear how necessary it is to study how neurohormonal processes not only control the physiological aspects of labour and childbirth, but also contribute to the subjective psychological experiences of birth. We examined the methods used by the midwives of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department of the University Hospital of Bari to maintain the psychoneuroendocrine balance of women in labour and childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite everything, midwives tried to provide the best assistance possible to women. Understanding their experiences along with the challenges they had to deal with during that period, emphasizes that, as the pandemic continues, there is an urgent need to improve care and support for women in order to promote birth as much physiological as possible.The midwife's experience in maintaining the psychneuroendocrin balance of women in labour during the COVID-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study
Poster: Flavia Pugliese
Luisa Langer, Midwife, BSc Applied Midwifery Science, Midwifery CareThis poster presents a qualitative study on men in the context of childbirth preparation. The aim of this study was to research the experiences of fathers who became fathers for the first time with birth preparation. Furthermore, it was researched which topics and contents fathers would like to be taught in a birth preparation course.
The poster presents the analized background to the topic and the resulting research gap. Furthermore, the research method and the objectives of the research are presented.
The focus of this presentation is on the main findings of this qualitative study, as well as on the discussion and conclusion.
The uncared: Being a man and a family in the context of childbirth preparation. A qualitative study on fathers' perspectives
Poster:  Luisa Langer
Raquel Justiniano; Florencia Francisconi; Lucrecia Fotia; Marian Brelis; Lucia Monetta; Agustina Kityk; Graciela LopezWith the aim to support the growth of midwifery in the areas less explored, the Research and Leadership Committee of the College of Midwives of Buenos Aires- Argentina worked to get the first Midwifery Journal "Obstetrix" indexed by the Argentine Center for Scientific and Technological Information (CAICYT-CONICET).
Becoming the first midwifery journal with these characteristics in Latin America, and providing a space for midwives to public their researches, the committee not only receives articles for publication, but also provides assistance and training to improve research skills.
It's aim is to stimulate the publication of scientific papers on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Maternal/Neonatal Health, generate high-quality content, position the profession in the scientific field, generate leadership and visibility to the general public, create networks with associations and universities across the region, among other.
Obstetrix: The first Latin American midwifery journal indexed
Poster: Raquel Justiniano
Filomena Stile, Midwife at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology , Asl Napoli3Sud - UOMI Poggiomarino , Napoli-Italy; Giusy Flavia Prussiano, Midwife at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Valle d'Itria Hospital , Martina Franca-Taranto-Italy
Since ancient times, women have chosen the position in which to give birth. The excessive medicalization, however, has led to the prevalence of the woman's immobility. Semi-quantitative observational study conducted with convention sampling on 115 women who gave birth between March and April 2017 recruited at the time of discharge. A questionnaire divided into four sections was administered with the following object: 1) socio-demographic situation, 2) management of labor, 3) management of the expulsive period and maternal outcomes, 4) maternal satisfaction.
The data were divided into two groups: Group A (free positions) vs Group B (horizontal position). In the qualitative part of the questionnaire, the experience of women in the delivery room regarding freedom of movement or any postural coercion was collected. The analysis of the data shows that women who experienced freedom of movement said they had improved the experience of labor/delivery and the perception of pain.
References: Poster for Filomena Stile
Giving birth in freedom: Alternative positions in birth and expulsive period
Poster: Filomena Stile
Heaven Workneh, Maternity FoundationThis poster describes the journey Maternity Foundation has been on since 2018 to introduce the Safe Delivery App to midwifery students in Ethiopia. We describe the steps taken to introduce the Safe Delivery App, a mLearning tool with evidence-based and up-to-date clinical guidelines on Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care. The content of the Ethiopian adaptation of the App is aligned with the national guidelines and is already in use by thousands of midwives across Ethiopia. Introducing the Safe Delivery App to students during their midwifery degree both serve as a learning aid and revision tool during their degree and ensures that the students are familiar with the App and can use it as a reference tool on the job when they progress into working life. We share the insights from introducing the App to graduating class students in 2021 and reflect on the next steps for further roll-out.Introducing a mLearning tool to midwifery students in four universities, Ethiopia
Poster: Heaven Workneh
Miriam Guana, Presidente Syrio-Societa' Italiana di Scienze Obstetrico-Ginecologicio-Neonatali; A. Cinotti; A. M. Lisa, E. Lopresti; A. Morese; D. Parma; C. Pavesi; and I. MarzettiWorkplace aggression in all its forms is also a serious problem in the midwife profession (G. A. Farrell. T. Shafiei, 2011). From a survey conducted in Australia by J. Pich, M. Roche (2020) on a population of midwives and nurses, it emerges that more than ¾ had suffered an episode of violence in the previous six months, in https: //www.mdpi. com / 2227-9032 / 8/4/522 / htm . Also in Italy the phenomenon is relevant among health system operators. This study describes a study whose objective is to investigate the phenomenon of aggression in the contexts in which they operate among Italian midwives, i.e. the frequency and type of violence, the difficulties they encounter, their opinions in about the phenomenon and the strategies adopted. The study confirms that workplace violence is also a serious problem for midwives.Survey su la violenza nei confronti delle Ostetriche/ci nei luoghi di lavoro - Survey: Violence on the job. The experiences of midwives

Poster: Guana et al