Sarah Stewart has been a midwife for nearly 40 years. Sarah has worked across all sectors in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. Sarah has been a home birth and caseload midwife, senior lecturer, researcher and policy manager. Sarah is now the Senior Director in the office of the ACT Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer in Canberra. Sarah is very proud to see how the VIDM has developed from a dream around the kitchen table to a fully-fledged international conference, but finds it ironic that it took a pandemic to make online communication technology an every-day occurrence. Sarah passionately believes that midwives and consumers must leverage opportunities that have emerged from the pandemic to influence and lead policy and strategy that puts women and birthing people at the centre of maternity care, and supports midwives to work to their full scope of practice. In her spare time, Sarah is a stand-up comedian, runs a ghost tour and grows dahlia.

To hear more from Sarah and about the origins of the Virtual International Day of the Midwife conference, check out our VIDM Podcast interview.