Edythe L. Mangindin, RN, RM, MSc 

Edythe MangindinEdythe Mangindin is a doctoral student of midwifery at the University of Iceland. Born and raised in San Francisco, California in the United States to Filipino parents, she moved to Iceland in 2009 with her Icelandic husband. Her experience as an immigrant woman receiving maternity care in Iceland inspired her to become a midwife. Her research and areas of interest include immigrant women, respectful care, women’s autonomy in decision making, informed choice, mistreatment in childbirth, intersectionality and culturally sensitive care.

She also works as a registered midwife at the antenatal and postpartum in-patient unit at Landspitali University Hospital and holds lectures on cultural humility for midwifery students at University of Iceland. In addition, she is on the editorial board of the Icelandic Midwifery Journal and teaches childbirth preparation classes for English-speaking expectant parents.